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Equity for Education is dedicated to providing the very best opportunities for kids. We have put together a list of rules every tutee and tutor must follow to help facilitate learning in the best environment possible.
Any participant who fails to adhere to these terms will not be permitted to participate in our programs again.
All tutoring affiliated with Equity for Education will ONLY occur within our programs at our meetings.
Tutors and tutees may not exchange any personal contact information​
All tutees must be signed in/signed out by an approved parent/guardian.
All tutees must be picked up by the end of the meeting.
If Tutors or tutees are unable to attend a meeting they signed up for, they must contact us at​​ AT LEAST 24 hours in advance​.
Any form of discrimination, bullying, or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Tutees must be a current elementary or middle school student.
Tutees must remain on-task for the duration of the meeting.
Tutees must behave appropriately and not distract other tutees.
Tutors must be current high school students.
Tutors must be able to explain elementary to middle school-level concepts.
Tutors must remain helpful, kind, and engaged with their tutee(s) throughout the entire meeting. No foul language or inappropriate behavior will be tolerated.
Tutors may not be distracted with other tutors or their cell phone
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